And then, you know what?Okuu! Not in the microwave!Don't put an egg in...BeepWaaagh!!!Satori-sama...Since it has so many decorations!...useful to Satori-sama too!Whoo-hoo!I'm gonna work......I see.So that's it! Well, best of luck!And to make it even more majestic...Shoop...I'm going to top it off with an offering on the altar in here!Wait.Stp stpAn altar in Furnace #6?Ohh!Sounds like the geothermal microwave oven!So she's going to put an egg in......the micro-waaaaave!!!AaaaaaOkuudhism?mennnnnOkuu......just what......the heck are you doing?AaaaaamennnnnAaamennnThe cat food god turned you into a human, right, Orin?She gave it a cheesy name like that!!?Yaaay!Oh-ho!I can be...Guess what? I'm gonna be made human too!...really hard too!'Kay!Amazing that she can go right into that heat.Do we have an altar in Furnace #6?What's wrong?I'm sure there's no such thing...Bee-bee-beepAhh, I get it! It's kind of altar-like!...the microwave?ClmpBy the god of eggs!!!Gasp!Where's Satori-sama!!?Ah—there she is!ShrroovvvThank goodness she's all r-...THOOOMM