Artist's commentary
Fakiru-Harvest Moon - Blue Feather -Animated gif-
Princess Tutu fanart, featuring Fakir and Ahiru doing a spoof on the Harvest Moon games. If you're not familiar with them, the blue feather from HM is what you use to propose to the person you want to marry. In this case, I guess it would be a reverse proposal. XD
But yes. I spent all day yesterday cleaning up the sketch and then coloring it. But then I thought... what if I tried to animate it like a little scene of Fakir giving her the blue feather...?
So I gave it a shot and I'm glad that I did! :D (Big Grin)
I know the animation isn't very smooth (I only have a really old version of Image Ready that goes with my PS), but I hope it comes through clearly enough. I didn't animate a lot of faces for Fakir since I don't have a tablet and have to do all the editing with a mouse.
ANYWAY. I think this turned out really good and I'm really proud of it! :D (Big Grin)
I didn't match the game perfectly, of course, but there are similarities to games like HM: Tale of Two Towns (I borrowed the Goddess Spring and turned it into a duck pond. LOL). And I decided to make it spring scenery for Fakir to propose.
Isn't he just the most romantic? : P
Well, I am pleased with it and I really hope you enjoy it! ^^ I don't deal with animation much, but this was fun, if not tiring and time-consuming.
This was sketched on paper, scanned and cleaned up and colored with Adobe Photoshop 7.0, and then animated with Adobe Image Ready.
Fakir and Ahiru are not my characters. They belong to Itoh Ikuko and HAL Films. Likewise, the Harvest Moon franchise is not mine--I merely simulated the aspects. They belong to Natsume, Inc.The art, however, is copyright to Amako-chan on Deviant Art. Please do not reuse or reupload without permission!