Artist's commentary
NFS × kayoko
Source: https://twitter.com/MarineBlue134/status/1732012351572865163
Original Request:
Nice to meet you!
I'd like to request a drawing of Onikata Kayoko from Blue Archive, leaning against a Ford Mustang GT from NFS Most Wanted. If possible, I'd like to ask for a dark background, like a night sky.
On the car, there is a detail I'd like you to change. There is text that says "Jade", could you please replace it with "VI-VII"? (it's a reference to the logo of Problem Solver 68).
Here are the references:
Pose: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95930257
Character: https://twitter.com/Blue_ArchiveJP/status/1309327052797952001
Car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWzeJUqvOoQ
Thank you very much!
Client Response:
Thank you so much for your hard work! You did great, both Kayoko and the car look fantastic!