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APH: Provinces of the Netherlands- the west
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The 6 western provinces of the Netherlands, well, we see them as such because they're more rich and similar in culture to on another than the east and south.
North Holland (Noord-Holland)
Human name: Joshua Holt (past: Jochem holt)
Birthday: October 8th (siege of Alkmaar)
Description: A young man who's cool with every nation as he is the only province that is visited by tourists (not really) On the weekends he's known to smoke and drink a lot, but on work days he can be quite serious. He secretly look up to Germany, but hides his admiration with a fake hate (he says it's because of the occupation during world war II, but he is long over that)
His daily routine actually is very different from day to day, as he always thinks up a plan just one hour before doing it. On work days he's known to hang out with his boss, the Netherlands, talking about foreign trade and the royal family's well being. If not working besides Ned, he will be annoying his brother South Holland and messing with his plans. On weekends he often goes to Amsterdam to smoke and hang around the tourists.
He's energetic and joyful, and is a master trader as he worked with Ned and Zuid to trade with other countries around the globe during the VOC-times. He's known to charge head-first into problems and can actually be pretty quick with fixing it. He can be a bit noisy compared to his brothers and sisters and can be a bit egocentric.
South Holland (Zuid-Holland)
Human name: Bernard Holt
Birthday: October 3rd (siege of Leiden)
Description: A serious man who makes sure all the provinces do their job, and is always hanging around Netherlands to talk about the political stuff. He's the political and judicial centre of both the Netherlands and Europe, acting as the court of the world sometimes, with the political capital of the Hague. He's super serious and doesn't like to be around his brother, who annoys him most of the time. He's awkward to talk to when not in political mode and won't be coming to you with a super juicy story. He's terrible at keeping secrets and let's all secrets from the government out in the world when asked about. He loves to play chess and has a secret passion for football (soccer for all you yanks) like the other provinces
He's serious and the real leader of the bunch, a master trader as he worked with his brother Noord and Netherlands during the VOC-times. He quick to solve problems but is easily tangled up in a mess and has some loose lips.
Human name: Annabelle de witt
Birthday: May 17th (Stichtse landbrief)
Description: A girl who acts like she's a fresh college student, going to every Starbucks she can find and walking around with a laptop. She the provinces of education and it shows. She's usually seen in a Starbucks typing away on her laptop. She acts quite posh and sees herself as the literal and figurative centre of the Netherlands. She likes to act crazy too but only with the other provinces, never around Ned or other countries. Prancing around the old city of Utrecht, she's been around since the Roman times, being found and raised by him for the first few years. She likes to hang around Noord, although when Zuid proposed they should marry and join as a family with Flevoland they instantly rejected it and threw Zuid to the other side of the planet.
She's the jokey type and like to live the luxurious life. She's the eternal student and is a bit egocentric and quickly angered.
Human name: Sjoerd Reynders (ancient: Siguror Hjaldreimr)
Birthday: ??? (he's too old to remember)
Description: A man who's too old and cranky. A brother to Germania, he has taken the same old man traits as his dear brother. He likes to pretend he's not a part of the Netherlands and a autonomous region too, but deep down he knows he's not. He's known to ice skate to release all his anger and his unusually good at it. He's grumpy all the time but secretly likes the company. He is the representative of all Frisian people, not just the ones in the Netherlands. When you meet him, he first tries to talk Frisian with a smile to see if you're Frisian, if not he'll quickly change his nice composition and turn into his usual grumpy self. He's an outsider but just doesn't care because he wants to. He's the only one who is seen regularly talking to Rome and Germania, reminiscing about the good o'l times.
He's grumpy and doesn't welcome outsiders, but loves telling stories about his awesome battles with Rome and the family times with Germania...maybe he even knows Indo-Europe
Human name: Daan zeehuysen
Birthday: June 14th (plans for Flevoland were made)
Description: A young lad made artificially by the Dutch by drying out the zuiderzee. He's young and is about the same size as Sealand and other micronations, who mistook him for such. Flevoland can act a little robotic at times but tries to act like his older brother North Holland, copying many of his mannerism, besides smoking because he can't stand it. Sometimes some parts dysfunction and he needs some patching from Ned, which he finds highly embarrassing. He tries to act like an adult but fails in many ways, as he had not been on the world for too long compared to his brothers and sisters.
He's calm and collected but can suddenly get "energized" when the others are by his side and tries to act like an adult. He sees himself greater than he is but knows this isn't the case.
Human name: Pieter Zeilstra
Birthday: February 21st (Deltacommission started)
Description: A young man who's shy and introverted. He is quickly scared and even though growing up around the sea, he's quickly reminded about the great floods that torment him to this day. He tried to forget it and protect himself behind the mighty Delta works but his wound on his cheek and many other places reminds him of the incident. He however is slowly turning back to his pre-flood self, beginning to get more confidence. He's the big brother type, always caring for his siblings. He's frugal and not the strongest but is very nice and won't come into a fight easily. He was the one who raised Ned for the beginning years and gave him his signature scarf, which he always wears.
He's calm and shy, but a nice, warm person. But the constant reminders of the floods stop him from blossoming.
Hetalia- Hidekaz Himaruya
Dutch provinces- Me