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APH: Provinces of the Netherlands- South-east
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The 6 eastern and southern provinces of the Netherlands. These were much more difficult because I we don't have many stereotype about these provinces in the north besides: they do carnival and are all farmers,right?
Gelderland (Guelders in English)
Human name: Anke Woudtmans
Birthday: January 23rd (union of Utrecht)
Description: A lady who likes to be outside, wandering about the Veluwe and her towns and cities, She's friendly and generally nice, just don't to something bad for the environment. She is easily befriended but has a huge dislike for Germans, mostly because of the destruction the German brothers caused in WW2, but also because Prussia invaded her earlier too. Being pushed around many times in history. She still dislikes them both till this day. She's care-free and does anything she wants but tries to do some things for Ned, often with grand successes, but politely denies her hard work. She is friends with all the other provinces and her nature makes everyone flock too her for a short vacation.
She's care-free and is very concerned about the environment, trying her best too make her place the best in the Netherlands. She's everyone's friend and will be so for a long time to come.
''I'll change this too''
Human name: Aleida Scheppink
Birthday: April 6th (just a random date in the month of April, the month the province was liberated from Germany in WW2)
Description: A lady who follow her fellow eastern provinces around. She's quiet and nice but a bit shy. She often just walk with anyone she sees and just kinda nods her head. When you have a one-on-one conversation with her, she's a really caring and heart-felt. She's trying her best to keep her own culture and identity and is often hanging out with her sister Twente. A long time ago she was very loud and powerful, ruling over Drenthe and doing her own thing, but she has long grown over that fase, but sometimes acts this way when a certain festival called Carnival comes around...
She's a quiet, shy person who just wants to preserve her identity, but fails to do so sometimes. She is a loyal and caring type.
Brabant (Officially Noord-Brabant, North Brabant)
Human name: Giel Meeuwis
Birthday: November 11th (beginning of the Carnival season)
Description: A man who likes to party and just generally have some fun. He's often seen wandering about his province, taking in its beauty. He's a a ladies-man and is often seen flirting about. He's flamboyant but is somehow still catholic. Even though he's the second-most catholic province, he's been slowly abandoning it like the rest of the provinces. When carnival begins he is truly in his blooming fase, skipping trough the streets, singing the many carnival songs. He's really nice and will never get angry too quickly. Even though he's a busy and fun-loving person, he also likes to have some quality time for himself.
He's a party going man, who thinks life is one big party.
Human name: Hedda Driessen
Birthday: May 11th (day the duchy of Limburg was officially incorporated in the Netherlands)
Description: A woman who takes her religion a little bit too serious. Although she can come charging at you angrily screaming bible verses, she's a really nice and well-mannered woman. She was one of the only provinces who actively despised Netherlands and the Hollands, and helped Spain kick their butts, or so she thought. But she was eventually defeated by Netherlands and put in a "special place" unable to control her own province. During Belgium's revolt against Netherlands, she quickly turned to her side and tried to be her usual nagging self, but was again taken by Netherlands. She has a sister in Belgium who she loves dearly. She's quickly angered by Brabant
She is very religious, but a nice and warm person who is close to Belgium. She truly loves every Dutch province and the Belgian regions.
"I'll update this once''
Human name: Meike Aalsbergen
Birthday: April 16th (date Groningen (city) was liberated from the Germans)
Description: A lady who is the polar opposite of Limburg, being the most atheist province. They're often find having a fight. She likes a good joke and is the most easy going of the provinces. Lately the gas pumps have made her feel sick and dizzy. She was raised by Friesland as Stad en Ommelanden (literally: City and the outskirt lands) She was raised as a Frisian with the Frisian language, but had slowly grown away from Friesland and began using her own "language" Gronings. She is usually seen riding a horse around in her province or talking to Drenthe.
A snarky woman, she is nice but can get in trouble with anything about Religion...
Human name: Elske Assenaar
Birthday: January 1st (Day Drenthe officially became a Dutch province)
Description: A young lady who's shy and introverted. She is, unlike many of the other provinces, mostly agricultural and likes to hang around on her farm-house. She has several animals and likes to keep it quiet, riding around on a horse or caring for her cows. She is widely known for her Hunnebedden, who were build when she didn't even exist, although Friesland tells many stories about them. She has a dislike for the German brothers, because they turned her Jewish-refugee camp into a concentration camp, she feels guilty that she build it but knows she can't change anything. She's a bit of a loner compared to the rest of the provinces, but likes it that way She was rather poor back in the day and couldn't be an official province till much later.
She's calm and shy, and is stuck in the past and how she could've done things differently.
''this is just too bad, I didn't know what to do for Drenthe anymore XD''
Hetalia- Hidekaz Himaruya
Dutch provinces- Me