"The Kosame Daizu paperback series full of whims and fancy"
Suikyou BunkoHonestly Senpai, I can't believe you!!
You're selfish, and flighty, impudent, a tomboy, and so cool...
I love you...I can't hold my feelings back anymore...That's why today, I decided to let you know how I feel.
If I just confess my love, I'm sure you won't pick me though...
Right. You're not like that, I know. You're not like that, and that's why I like you.
That's why I'll be happy if I can just remain in your heart.
Okay! I'll put just my head in this box, and give you the surprise of your life! That way there's no way you'll ever forget me...
...When I am born again, I hope I can be a boy. When that happens, let's go to Mos Burger again together, Senpai.
A Present for my LoveIt's almost your birthday.
I really worried about whether I should confess my feelings or not.
Of course I did... I mean, come on Senpai, there's no way you have the same feelings for me.
You always say I'm like a bothersome little sister. Just the other day you told me to close my eyes, and I got all excited and closed them, and you shoved a french fry up my nose. Yeah, I guess having nostrils big enough to shove a Mos Burger french fry in is kind of my problem anyway, but...