Ah... Miss Sakuya, it's not like that today!SMeiToday, we were just chatting... I mean, we were just talking normally! We weren't playing danmaku!Okay, that's enough!S-Sakuya?!Miss Sakuya!If Meiling's lost, then I'll be your opponent next!She's more intense than usual...Daily Life at the SDM Gate 9...Yeah...I'm bored, toooo...Well? Are you going to? Or not?Wha--?!Huh?!Meanwhile, those two...I'm gonna melt...I never knew that not having anyone to play with would be this tough...MWhich is it?!No! I'm not gonna! Besides, isn't that what Meiling just said?!...Hmph.Flan... I'm bored... I'm so booored...I'm gonna go nuts...Sa