【Zheng x Archer】The Saber faction in Samurem is so pure and so lovely (in contrast to the adult Archer faction...)
Mouth-to-mouth.Wha—...! How indecent!So, are you doing it or not?Like... Just smooch passionately already.Iori's such a squirt. That's why I also lack magical energy.good griefWhat? Can't you guys just do mana transfer?Mana what?So... So you two have been doing that kind of thing all the time!?The Innocent FactionWhat are you gonna do if you can't get magical energy from leylines? You guys are such a handful.So what are we supposed to do then?The Impure Faction...well, sorry for that.What? You guys don't even know that too?(silent affirmation)
(The normal method is through magical paths but there's also through kiss and beyond)