AfterwordHello. Takitarou here.
There's things I've wanted to draw about the Ten Desires cast's relationships as I see them, but also things I don't think I can draw anymore now that SoPM came out. (To put it simply, some of my headcanons were proven wrong. I talked about what a shock this was in the foreword of "Hagoromo Alliance".)I was trying to rebuild all that while drawing the TD cast with plenty of gags, comedy and peaceful life, but I felt that they wouldn't and couldn't ever move forward that way, and so drew "Karaku" last winter. Hopeless Masquerade's release had a huge impact as well, of course. That was a Futo-centric work.
This time's "Fickleness" was a Miko-centric one. I don't know whether to say the relationships have changed a lot compared to the "Brilliant Expo", the book I drew the same year TD came out, or basically stayed the same...
I feel I was able to process my thoughts on who feels how about whom, how they've arranged their feelings and what role they've accepted for themselves.
Hope to see you again somewhere!The author was consistently a
FutoJiko fan from the start