Artist's commentary
Source: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/113851663
Original Request:
あなたのKitty Witch Mawyの以前の作品は素晴らしかったので、別の作品も見てみたいと思っています。Kitty Witch Mawyを猫の手で描いてください。猫の手は素晴らしく、私たちはかわいい大きな猫の手が大好きです🐾💜。特に楽しい丸い猫の手の豆が大好きです。
Greetings! Your previous works with Kitty Witch Mawy were amazing and we want to see another one! Please draw Kitty Witch Mawy with animal hands. Paws are great and we love cute big paws 🐾💜 Especially with fun round paw beans.
Mawy likes very big paws without claws, so please make paws to be very big and round. 🐾
Mawy would also like to have spiky ear fluff like here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76599042
You decide the clothes, expression and pose! 🐾
Mawy ref: https://imgur.com/a/HUVbBIg
Client Response:
素晴らしい作品をありがとうございました! 魔女マウイはいつものように素晴らしいですね! 肉球がとても可愛くて、ピンク色の指が丸くて、心が弾みそうになります。 耳も耳毛もお洋服もとても素敵です。 ありがとうございました!
Dear 橙狼 (0range_wolf, daidai)!
Thank you for this wonderful work! The Witch Mawy looks as amazing as always! Her paws are so cute and pink digits are so round they make my heart explode. The ears, ear fluff and clothes are all so wonderful too. Thank very much!