Thanks♡No, you two are cute!But I wanna be sexy as well!Oh noWe can tell who told her...R-Right... Sexy...What is that!? That's sooo interesting! I wanna do it♪That's it!I heard there were plenty of sexy Santas here!What's wrong, Chika-chan!?A character who helps Chika... Producer-san... maybe?Merry... Christmas♪Thus if you fail to transform into something sexy... maybe the mascot character becomes sexy insteadThen...Ah, then, it's typical for magical girls to be clumsy, right?That's rightExcuse me!!Well!She'll manage!Now, your self-confidence is reliableChika, you're not really made to be like me right now. Don't you think it's okay to be cute?Shouldn't you make use of your own attributes, Chika-chan? For example, we adults do cute things... See, isn't it subtle?"Transformations into something more mature and sexy are in," I was toldThis time I'm doing a little witch Santa for work! How is it? Right now I'm thinking...Surely that's it! How can I look like a sexy Santa? Aren't those clothes cold?