Fate welcome home!!I think I'll visit home when I have a longer vacation...I'm home...Should I actually say that?Wait, does that mean Fate-mamais a gigolo?one with her own place?No...You're wrong!Happy~! Happy~!A long awaited day of rest.Now let's see what Fate-san's holiday plans are.I guess I should go and see how Erio and Caro are doing.
A little late, thoughN?ERIO! CARO!Fate-mama has a house of her own, you knowIn the end, she went to visit the Takamachi houseUm, well you see that's...Please rest!Even if it's for a day, please take it easyDon't want to bother them again though I did have a lot fun last timePerhaps I'll go visit my family at Uminari city...Harlaown family, go forth!!I think it's perfectly fine. Fate-mama has a room here too, so why don't you become a part of this family?Don't say thatHUH!?Thank you, I have a place to return to and lots of people to share smiles withWow, it's so empty without anyone in itI caught the criminal for you~!Whoa~! Amazing Fate-san~!... Huh? Fate-san, isn't this your day off...?And thus...Fried noodles!!Wanna eat fried noodles?Welcome home Fate-chan.Yeah, so I thought that I should go help you guys out at your jobs.Oh~!Well then, let's go full out~! FAAAATEEEAuntie Fate~!Fate-chan~!I have such a wonderful life...Nee-chan~!It's really great over there...That reminds me, last time I went...But if I go to a hyper place for my break, I'll definitely end up losing my life.