Artist's commentary
たきとも💜|💙 #MyGO
立希と燈を隔てる壁があるのはわかる。二人の気持ちはまだちゃんとつながっていない。 でも、だからこそ、私は二人を応援している。その壁を壊して、距離を縮めてほしい。立希の想いが燈に届いてほしい。
EN (probably more elaborate):
I understand that there's a barrier separating Taki and Tomori. Their feelings aren't properly connected together yet. But that's exactly why I support them so much. I want to see them take down that barrier and close that distance between them.
I want Taki's feelings to finally reach Tomori and they see eye-to-eye instead of the worship realtion they seemingly have now. And I want to Tomori to make an effort to understand Taki as well. They have a lot of potential for growth both ways and I want to see it realized.
I don't believe that if two characters don't have great compatibility from the get go, it means that they can't be together. If they can solve their differences and grow together as people, it would be a wonderful thing to witness.
I want to witness it.
I don't think I can convey all my thoughts that well. But in short, I need to see these girls who are bad at communicating (in two different ways) work it out, and struggle on the way.
It would be a rare and miraculous development. (usually at least one is good at communicating)