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卡尔多·迪亚哥穿着灰骑士终结者的盔甲。他装备有暴风爆矢枪,风暴盾,碎片手榴弹,穿甲手榴弹和灵能震爆手榴弹。 他的主要武器是一把重新锻造的动力剑,名为泰坦之剑,这是一把精工锻造的剑,是一种极其强大的反恶魔武器,能够严重伤害最强大的大魔和黑暗之神的恶魔王子。迪亚哥最终在第41个千年的901年初成为灰骑士的大导师,即在战团的前任大导师死于恶魔原体莫塔里安之后。迪亚哥成为新任大导师后所做的第一件事,就是把前任大导师的名字刻在莫塔里安那患病的心脏上——而死亡守卫的原体发誓要为这一耻辱报仇。摘自作者:群山阵峦
Kaldor Diego wearing the armor of the Gray Knight Terminator. He is armed with a storm bolter, storm shield, frag grenades, armor-piercing grenades, and psionic blast grenades. His primary weapon is a re-forged power sword named the Titan Sword, a master-forged sword that is an extremely powerful anti-demon weapon capable of severely wounding even the most powerful Booms and Dark Lords. Demon Prince of God. Diego eventually became Grand Master of the Gray Knights in early 901 of the 41st Millennium, after the death of the Chapter's previous Grand Master to the Daemon Primarch Mortarion. One of the first things Diego did as the new Grand Master was to carve the name of his predecessor on Mortarion's ailing heart - and the Primarch of the Death Guard swore to avenge the dishonor . Author: mountains