Artist's commentary
Original Request:
Can you draw this man here: https://skeb.jp/@naokimineta026/works/552, in a hospital wearing a hospital gown and waking up on February 7, 2024 from a coma since November 18, 2016. Draw him with pale skin and a short thick full beard and mustache. Also, since he is 50, draw him as middle aged, with some wrinkles on his face. Here's what his mechanical left arm looks like: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/730177913089032212/1101504038094245899/Outfit_for_casimirstryker_5.jpg?width=845&height=676. Draw him with an average build (He lost muscle mass during the coma despite his supersoldier powers). He is 188 cm tall. Draw him with bandages wrapped on his head and smoking a cigar.
Also draw this man too: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/882100657962750035/1122641310348750878/Stone.png?width=374&height=676, still in a coma in the bed next to him. He'll wake up 2 weeks later. He is 185 cm tall. Draw him with bandages around his head too. He has silver blue hair and eyes and pale skin.
Client Response:
Thank you! Thank you for putting the silver haired man in hospital clothes! It's like you have psychic powers!