Artist's commentary
Original Request:
Can you draw this yuri family here: https://skeb.jp/@ninaryo/works/45, with eyepatch girl here: https://skeb.jp/@SOD_073294/works/1, dressed up as vampires and scaring eyepatch girl's father without his mask: https://skeb.jp/@naokimineta026/works/552? Eyepatch girl's father is extremely afraid of vampires, and draw him on the right side. Here is what he fully looks like (His entire left arm is robotic): https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/730177913089032212/1101504038094245899/Outfit_for_casimirstryker_5.jpg?width=845&height=676. Do not forget his swords on his back, and have his right hand reach for his long sword. Eyepatch girl's father is saying, "What the hell?! Vampires?!" As previously mentioned, he is very afraid. Eyepatch girl and her father both have eerie pale skin. Also, please add a beard and mustache to Eyepatch girl's father, like Big Boss or Deathstroke.
Eyepatch girl is 176 cm and the eyepatch girl's father is 188 cm and is athletic and muscular, and he is also near 50 years old, so make him look middle aged with some wrinkles on his face.
Do not forget the wedding rings for the moms Irene and Maya from the yuri family!
Client Response:
Thank You! It Looks Funny And Nice!