Taking part in this plan can guarantee your qualification to participate in races. The unit itself can also provide you necessary aid in many other ways.It's likely too early to use an AI to do this sort of work. Letting a calculator decide one's future? That would suit a boring person like Air Shakur more, don't you agree?Please don't misunderstand. I just want you to develop your talents fully. You should take good advantage of this opportunity.Using a toy to take care of problem children. How like the Student Council.I see. So you people want me to be your guinea pig?Even Air Shakur has her own trainer. I trust you are aware of your own circumstances, Tachyon?I could scarcely believe it. The chaps are URA, now planning to use a computer program to replace a real flesh-and-blood trainer?Some things are... more than meets the eye.After experiencing that sort of mishap, would there even be any trainers who are willing to participate in your so-called... "experiments"?What I need as a labra— trainer is a healthy adult. I'm simply unwilling to haul around this massive mainframe computer.