Hold up!IS ME!sorry...Please, hand him over!I'll make sure things won't turn bad!I am not handing over Master!Even if he's handed over, he'll just escape and run away!Allowing him to roam free unchecked will cause problems for us all!That's exactly why we are locking him up!Don't say that!Every boy needs his rival!They need one so that they can break out of their shell and become fully fledged men!What are you talking about...?The only thing that makes Kadoc an adult...The role of a princess is a tad different.A princess is the embodiment of an adolescent's fantasy, or rather it's the pipe dream of an otaku!Don't talk as if people are just short-lived dreams of youth!I'm sticking with Kadoc for the rest of my life!There are things you just won't know unless you're a boy!You don't mind if you gather your thoughts and opinions and come back later?