Artist's commentary
VM: Ayoko
「 V A S M O R T U S 」
alias · A Y O
01 · I N F O
▌ Registered information
「 アヨコ タマナ · A Y O K O T A M A N A 」
type : bloodheart
age : 18 → 28 (future)
gender : male
height : 5'9" ft | 175 cm → 5'11" ft | 180 cm (future)
weight : 130 lbs | 58.9 kg → 138 lbs | 62.6 kg (future)
02 · A S S E S S M E N T
▌ Evaluation check by the academy「 S P E C I A L T Y 」
RECONNAISSANCE (main); COMBAT (secondary)
Ayoko isn't exactly the sharpest of the bunch, however there is some merit from being a dedicated photographer of nature and people. Despite mostly self-learned, he is quite good in sneaking around, positioning himself, as well as scouting his surroundings. The only sole reason combat was taken up is his lack of or rather nonexistent social skills and charisma.
「 B A T T L E 」
STR [2] SPD [5] VIT [3] INT [1] LUCK [1]
「 S K I L L 」
Ayoko's latent ability seems to revolve around what seems to be teleportation, though currently in small distances. As of now, he cannot control it as the exact trigger and full distance is unknown. It doesn’t allow him to occupy a space where he can’t fit; thus he can offshoot than initially perceived. Often times, he would fall a few meters above the ground which seems to be the cause of his physical injuries.
03 · P E R S O N A
▌ Observed behavior「 considerate · timid · dependent · self-doubting · jumpy · pessimistic 」
Ayoko is a bashful young man who tends to stutter when spoken to. He also has a colossal lack of confidence with himself; it doesn’t help that he seems to have horrible luck with things as he is conveniently where disaster usually strikes, making him quite fearful of everyone and everything around him. Quite the maladroit, he is potentially a danger even to himself. Despite being such a klutz, he does the best he could not to be a burden to other people, especially his friends. Because of his mild disposition, he has been made a target of by bullies; thus he becomes easily attached to people who showed him kindness, and if they would become his friends he would do everything to be of use to them—even man up and face his fears.
「 likes × dislikes 」
+ Peaceful sceneries
+ Grandparents
+ Pretty people
+ Photography
+ Cameras
- The dark
- Heights
- Bullies
- Ghosts
- Aliens
04 · B I O
▌ Background information
Ayoko grew up in the seemingly peaceful countryside, that feels far removed from the advanced yet chaotic world that surround it. He was raised by his grandparents from his father’s side all his life. He became a rather paranoid adolescent thanks to his grandmother telling him scary folklores and ghost stories passed on from her native land; whilst his grandfather shared his undying passion with the worlds beyond the night sky as well as his fascination, or rather, obsession with a certain meteor shower. Despite their quirks, Ayoko loved them very much as they stood as his parents all those years. His real parents separated when he was still an infant, and started new families of their own. He has only ever heard of them from his grandparents as it seems neither parent reached out to him.
His latent ability awakened one day during middle school, seemingly caused by intense emotion of fear from bullying which almost resulted in death. It saved him and the bully from hitting the ground from falling from the tenth floor of the campus. Because of ever evolving rumors circulating around the school since the incident, students and teachers alike seem to avoid him even though there was no strong evidence of him being a threat.
One day he received a letter of invitation to a prestigious school called "Nielsen Military Academy". Given his unremarkable GPA and background as a student, it baffled him as to why he would receive such a thing when no one else from his school did. Because of an offer of a full scholarship, he reluctantly enrolled as he didn't want to further burden his grandparents financially. Maybe perhaps this was his chance to give some meaning to his prosaic life so far.
[ 293 : words ]
05 · M I S C
▌ Extra information
「 trivia 」
- He has mild albinism, naturally having light hair and red eyes though his skin isn’t as sensitive as others, however his eyes are (that's why he wears glasses).
* The black patches on his hair isn’t an intended fashion statement, rather a result of a clumsy DIY and not having enough hair dye to afford.
* He is fluent in both English and Japanese, unfortunately he doesn’t write or read Japanese that well.
* He picked up his interest in photography from his grandmother who was a professional photographer when she was younger.
* The only thing he likes about the night is looking at the sky through a telescope; this was how he would often spend time with his grandfather ever since he was young.
「 rp methods 」
- Styles : headcanon is my preference but I can script or lit
* Mediums : google docs & discord
* Timezone : GMT+8
「 stat log 」
- Gained +2 SPD from "Out to Sea" Event.
note : I completely forgot wanting to join I coughed this in one night//dies as I shamefully recycle this awkward potato and written portion//
ganba for the people still crunching their apps hope to play if we all get in ; ;