Artist's commentary
Petal Dance
Again, something I made quite a few months ago but just got around to finishing. <3This was a very experimental piece, as I tried to go more "soft" and painty, instead of focusing too much on the linework. This was actually inspired by some of the artwork from Deemo! <3 I really enjoyed working on this and trying something different!
Also I wanted to give notice that I have just made a Twitter account!~ I've been meaning to do this for a while but never got around to it, though I've been getting asked quite a few times about it, so I thought I should just go ahead. Some of you may know of my other account (LittleBlueMuff) but I never intended it to be for my art, just for browsing, so I'd like a fresh start on there.~ You can find me here: twitter.com/LilBlueMuffin or search "@LilBlueMuffin".
I'll still be posting here as normal, I just wanted to try branching out. Any support is greatly appreciated. <3
I hope you all have a pleasant new year!~ ❤︎Art by LittleBlueMuffinPrograms used: Paint Tool SAI