Artist's commentary
Original Request:
Long time no see! Can you draw my character here: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/730177913089032212/1101504038094245899/Outfit_for_casimirstryker_5.jpg?width=845&height=676 ? Draw his body type as athletic and muscular. His entire left arm is robotic and light gray. Draw him wielding a long collapsible staff in his right hand and A SIG Sauer P320 on his left.
Draw 2 versions of the picture: One with his mask, and one without the mask.
Here is what he looks like without the mask: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/730177913089032212/1101526552337993798/1272301-1.output.png?width=417&height=676 . He has long unkempt shoulder length black hair split in the middle, a piercing, intense, cold looking left blue eye, and pale skin. Also give him a thicker full beard and mustache. Since he was born in 1973, make him look slightly middle aged. Make him look angry with his teeth clenched! Make him look badass too! The background is an urban area at daytime. Draw him standing too.
Client Response:
Thank you!
Although I did want him to have a beard and mustache along with pale skin...