Artist's commentary
Original Request:
Long time no see! Today, I would like you to draw a badass mercenary character of mine named Ricky Barnes! He is a former Us Army Special Forces soldier. I created him in 2014-2015 and I just recently picked him up to use in my stories. I based him off of mainly Deathstroke, Jango and Boba Fett, and Big Boss.
He is 188 cm and 95 kg, so draw his body type as athletic and muscular (picture Batman's body, a hunk). He has long unkempt shoulder length black hair split in the middle, a piercing, intense, cold looking left blue eye and a black 2 strap eyepatch over his right eye. He also has a full beard. He also has pale skin, and his entire left arm is robotic and light gray in color. He was also born in 1973, so draw him as slightly middle aged (he's a supersoldier).
For his clothes, he wears gray military fatigues tucked into black combat boots, black knee pads, a black ballistic vest with ammo pouches, holsters for his pistol and knife, a black glove on his right hand along with a protective elbow pad and a forearm guard for his right hand. Draw the left sleeve entirely torn off, showing his robotic arm. He also wears a dark bandana with ribands on the back and a red shemagh around his neck. Also draw him wearing this mempo mask, but colored gray and made of metal: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/750173726921982084/1046309918883467274/unknown.png?width=676&height=676 .
Draw 2 versions, one where he wears the mask and bandana, and the other without those 2.
Draw His Weapons on a brown table: a Broadsword next to a sheath with a sling, A Shorter Broadsword next to a sheath with a sling, A SIG Sauer P320, A Combat Knife, An M4 With A Holographic Sight And A Grenade Launcher, a collapsible staff, 2 M67 grenades, 2 flashbangs, and throwing knives.
Draw him indoors standing up and smoking a cigar. Draw him frowning and Make him look badass!
His outfit is just a prototype by the way. Take your time drawing this!
Client Response:
Thank you! He looks very badass!