Artist's commentary
Original Request
Your art is very cool! Please consider drawing my two characters.
Enoch looks 36 years old and is 188cm tall. He is cruel and sinister, and is usually sneering. One half of his face is covered with stone, which looks like black marble. He can manipulate his shadow, and can bend it into the shape of tendrils.
Lysandre looks 34 years old and is 186cm tall. He has a traditional knight-like personality and uses water and ice magic. His skin is a little darker than Enoch's.
Enoch is a priest, and Lysandre was once a holy knight who abandoned the church. Enoch likes Lysandre, but Lysandre sees Enoch as a villain. Lysandre wants to both redeem and defeat him. Their relationship is complex and tense.
They are from a fantasy setting, with churches and castles. It resembles Victorian England.
Please draw them freely.
Thank you!
Client Response
I love the background! Thank you!