Artist's commentary
Cafe Cuties Gwen - League of Legends Splash Art
In Collaboration with Riot Games
Client: Riot Games
Riot Games AD: Jessica Oyhenart
West Studio AD: Mingchen Shen
Final Polish: League Splash Team
Here is Cafe Cuties Gwen! I was lucky to be asigned this task! I always wanted to try to paint a kawaii character. I've been doing lots of monsters and serious looking characters so, this was a nice change. smiley
I got the briefs a bit late here so I rushed making 5 thumbnails in just 2 days. Fortunately, thinking of poses was not that hard because there are so much available maid cafe references out there! The client liked two of my thumbnails and we sort of mixed the energy from the other one into this one. That was challenging because she was already leaning on her scissors in this version and it was tricky to do an energetic pose with one leg up. It can easily feel wrong if I think about it logically but in this case, I prioritized the feeling of the pose.
I did lots of 3D again for this. I played around with some background variations in 3D. I hate drawing straight lines for architecture so 3D solved it for me. For the lighting, I actually wanted the direct lighting hitting her face but we went with the standard back/rim light instead. The face had lots of revisions as usual but I like how it turned out! XD
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