Artist's commentary
Original Request:
Sorry for the English request, your illustrations are so lovely. I would like to ask you to illustrate my VTuber character.
The character setting is here: https://imgur.com/a/O9RD728
Please draw her in the second hairstyle and the first outfit.
Please draw her working at her laptop with headphones on, like this: https://imgur.com/a/rEf6Pgi
I would like her laptop to be on a table, and instead of the cat, please draw her slime friend. (If multiple slime friends are surrounding her, that would be great.)
If possible, I'd like a version where she's wearing round glasses, and a version where she has dark circles under her eyes.
I would like to use the art on YouTube/Twitch/SNS and credit you. Please separate the character from the background in the .psd if possible! And please make sure the character's head and arms aren't cut off in the illustration. Thank you in advance.
Client Response:
Wow!! I didn't expect all the details! Thank you so so much for the illustration!!