Looks like we're here.Reversing time a bit, we find ourselves in the changing rooms. Here, Yukihana Lamy takes those sultry fingers of hers, undoing button after b-This development raised an interesting question: why didn't they just go there to begin with?Chapter 2
"Nature's Trials & Love's Tribulations"Woah, I wanna try too! I dunno if I'll be as good, though...huh?!-ciated. -Tsunomaki WatameThanks to an upper-classman with a shuriken atop her head.Who are you talking to?With their objective now clear, NePoLaBo began asking around for leads on that name.By chance, they had learned,"If you're looking for Watame, she just left for the pens,"...From such doubts, they averted their eyes, and promptly donned their jersey's, advancing towards the sheepfolds...Nice exposition dump!Stop right there!!!
whose fingers are you calling sultry?!Oh!...hm?baah