I was able to firmly deliver my words of encouragement...Make an extra effort.Trainer-sanRuby...Maybe Daiichi Ruby is planning to change trainer in the future.So... how's training been going lately for you?We were able to win several G1 titles... To some extent, we've achieved our goals?...Ah, still not good enough!Thanks to your perfect planning, we've been able to achieve better results than I ever expected.
You've had so much influence not only in my racing but also in my personal life that your existence has become an irreplaceable part of my life.
And every time I catch a glimpse of your daily efforts, my heart also... No, it must be something different, but then what is this warmth I'm feeling in my heart?
Alas... I have gone on for far too long...
You are also a busy person (for my sake), so I will leave you with a word of encouragement.