Artist's commentary
romance dawn 🌤️
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an illustration of an overhead view of the original one piece romance dawn trio.Zoro, Luffy & Nami are on a little dinghy with the paddles akimbo, one of them has a large bite out of it. Zoro's lounging at the end of the boat, ankles crossed, laughing with his swords draped on the boat, Wado is on his shoulder.
Luffy is spread out on the middle, legs dangling off the edge of the boat, uncaring about the sea creatures that had already taken a bite out of their paddle. One hand is cushioning his head on the edge while the other lowers his hat over his eyes. The only thing visible from his face is his scar and big grin.
Nami's at the front of the boat, legs crossed with only elbow resting on the edge of the boat. Her face isn't visible but her posture is relaxed as she watches the two fondly. Little does she know she's found a new family.
The ocean is vast and blue, reflecting the sky. Just at the edge of the illustration, three birds cast shadows, flying freely.