I sent you an assortment of tea brands that you mentioned liking. Take care.Sensei, please accept my apology for suddenly leaving in the middle of our last meeting.Don't worry about it. I'm just happy to see you're in good condition again.Thank you so much for your concern.Sensei has been visiting Trinity for sometime now...So if I may ask, were you able to build relationships of trust with our students?Nn, I suppose so......Eh?Ah, also... KIRIFUJI!Got bedridden again.And, you have my thanks for allowing me to arrange another one.Yesterday I went out with Urawa to buy socks for her. But for some reason I ended up with the socks she was wearing.
HanakoI see.To Kirifuji,
How is your health? I'm sorry that I put you through something unreasonable again after all that commotion. This wasn't meant to be an apology but...I went to see Shimoe the other day.
KoharuAjitani asked me to go out shopping for a swimsuit with her earlier.