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Artist's commentary
なにかがおかしい。※デイリーランキング 24 位だったそうで評価コメントタグもろもろありがとうございました。たぶんこれで次の東方人気ランキングでは4位くらいになるはずです。コミケのヤマメブースも80スペくらいになるんです。あ、やっぱならなくていい。今のままでいい。
Dark Power gives access to previously unplayable boss characters (Shadow Lord, Zilart Brothers, etc.) or form changes like Kimeramaru depending on the medium. These do require a full gauge and taking hits depletes it faster. As a trade-off they are vastly more powerful and can interrupt attacks with their activation.
Both are a powerful asset so try them at every chance! Just remember they take longer than other gauge abilities to charge!
A: But thanks to support from a lot of players, we just managed to push the project through to the current stage.
E: I'm sure they appreciate the effort. Also that is a lot of characters you added.
A: It honestly is. About 6 designers died but they should be happy chasing Myon's panties, so everything worked out *laugh*
A: Ah, yes. I personally recommend the scenario where Yamame is the main character, losing her job at a convenience store and setting out to be the game's true heroine *laugh*
E: Great, Yamame again *laugh*
A: Bitch, what you laughing at
Unit characters can also have their teammate join in to take it one more step further. The Autumn Sisters are especially versatile with a meter that fills quickly and attack that can compliment many others.
A:It happened rather suddenly, didn't it? At the time we hadn't even considered the idea.
E: There were no plans to create a port?
A: Not really. We figured a fighting game in the current market would be a hard sell.