Artist's commentary
皆さん、こんにちは。 久しぶりに、私の最新のイラストをご紹介させていただきます。
今回は、hitorino.TV のバーチャルアイドル、エヴァ・エクセルの個人劇場のために描いたものです。姫の騎士と騎士団の団長としての彼女の気質をうまく伝わるように、洗練されたショートヘアと背中の巨大な剣を描きました。
また、このキャラは、この前に描いたキャラクターの三角関係の恋人です。 (pixiv #86355751 »)
今後の動画では、彼女はまた、このイラストの右側のキャラクター、平行宇宙で愛の敵と恋人の娘と敵対します! 何が起こるかは本当に楽しみです! (https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/103531325, pixiv #100947647 »)
ぜひこの小劇場をお楽しみください! (グローバルな視聴者に優しい英語字幕も): → www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oM411v7xU ←
動画の最後にはイラストや小道具の描画プロセスも含まれています, 私の絵柄に興味を持つならば是非見逃さないで!
Welcome back, my beloved subscribers!
This is Karin. Please take a tour of my latest illustration!
I presented this cover art for hitorino.TV 2nd Gen member Eva Exile's latest drama. Succinct short hair and the great sword on her back can bring out her character as the Lord Commander. What a gorgeous girl
Also, I designed the prop of this drama. Remember to take a look at these eggs and milk on the table!
I wish all of you would be entertained by this comical drama.
By the way, this character also was the enthusiast of the character in my previous illustration. (pixiv #86355751 »)
I can't wait to see Eva's reaction when she meets the daughter of her princess in a parallel universe. (https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/103531325, pixiv #100947647 »)
Then, let us watch this comical drama together!
→ www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oM411v7xU ←
The end of the video includes the making of the illustration and the prop. If you are curious about how I create a painting, you should take advantage of this!
Don't forget to check my Pixiv page in the next few weeks! There would be some surprises!