Misty LakeScarlet Devil MansionHuman VillageHakurei ShrineForest of MagicNameless HillOuter WorldMoriya ShrineYoukai MountainBamboo Forest of the LostNetherworldSanzu RiverHiganPrismriver ResidenceGiant Toad's PondMysterious HouseHakugyokurouRoad of ReconsiderationRoad of LiminalityEienteiMargatroid ResidenceKirisame ResidenceGreat BarrierGarden of the SunMuenzuka
Mound for ForeignerIllusionary Map of GensoukyouKourindouWaterfall of Nine HeavensThis map is merely something I got the wild idea to draw up based on descriptions given in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense.
It's not authentic in the least, so please don't mistake it as such.