Artist's commentary
Mind if I kiss you? Great, thanks.
I've been urged by people on my tumblr to post this and other little drawings of this couple that I am STILL obsessed with, but I would have to explain myself in great detail to an audience who would most likely be "wtf?". And I am not in the mood to do that. So I thought I'd share it with an audience who understands a little better my embarrassing love for this nonexistent ship that I ship. Sweatdrop...
SO HERE!! More fluffy kissy romance for this ship because I have no self-control.
1) I don't want to set the precedence that I think our iron-willed Lady Satsuki would be easy to surprise. But with the nature of romance being totally foreign to her...and because I wanted to draw something cute...I let it happen. Satsuki is not someone who you can get the drop-on easily. But MAYBE...if you're gonna do something unfamiliar to her...you just might get away with it. And hey, if you're someone she cares about, there's a good chance she ain't gonna beat the shit out of you.
2) Their clothes: (A) Tsumugu, I head canon works as a mechanic and runs his own body-shop after the events of the Life Fiber War. It's the only job he thought he could make a viable career out of and not mind doing it every day. He figured he'd probably still be tampering with machines every day regardless of needing an income. So ya know, spending all day in a hot garage inspecting heavy machinery can get kind of hot. So toss on a wife-beater and some biker jeans, boots, and gloves and get to work. Makes sense.
B) As for Satsuki, she's a business woman. I imagine she takes claim of her mother's remaining assets and transforms REVOCS and her family name into an upstanding one. Using it to do...what she said she wanted to do, "make a world where people can still have their differences and live in peace". Protect their nonsensical yet beautiful world. HOW she does that, I am still juggling with ideas. But I like to imagine it requires she sit in offices and mingle with elites with viable resources. She networks and does what she can to bring those resources and other aid to those who have none/little. She redistributes wealth, basically. I don't know, this is all still in the air. You get my idea, though. hopefully
3) As for what's going on here. It was part of a little quip I wrote where Tsumugu is spurred into having introspectional doubts as to whether he proves how much he cares about Satsuki. He questions whether he's clear in letting her know that. So the minute she walks through his door, he slams a kiss on her. A little abrupt, but Sastuki responds and respects actions above words. The woman is surprised, but she ain't upset. :tardgrinn:
Image is my intellectual property
Kill la Kill / Satsuki Kiryuin / Tsumugu Kinagase (c) STUDIO TRIGGER