Artist's commentary
(English comment below)
(アリナの 「My Giacomo」 のセリフのついては、
「Giacomo」はダヴィンチの弟子、ジャン・ジャコモ・カプロッティという人のことです )
コメントしづらい場合はこちらのほめ箱で匿名メッセージを受け付けております。 よかったら是非ご利用ください! → https://www.mottohomete.net/SLVR79
And again, big special thanks to Osakaki who always helps take a look at my broken English.
I wanna see Magius side of things too~~
Weeks ago I made a twitter poll (https://twitter.com/SLVR79/status/1039786120664428545) to see which couples people want to see next as a doodle comic. And it turned out to be Alina-Mifuyu.
To be honest I didn't expect Kanae-Mifuyu to beat Yachiyo-Mifuyu at all so it was really a surprise. But maybe people prefer Yachiyo-Iroha more?)
Well, anyway, here it is.
*whispers*maybe it's more like KanaMifu than AliMifu but let's pretend it's not*whispers*
I still see places I want to adjust but this takes a bit too long now so I think it's better to move on to next one since Madoka's Birthday is coming up soon!
(and works!!!! ( ;∀;))
Fun fact: On page 3, when Alina said "my Giacomo". Giacomo is the name of one of Leonardo Da Vinci's apprentice, Gian Giacomo Caprotti da Oreno, or better known as Salaì.
You can read more about him here:
I find it a bit interesting that this 'Little Devil' reminds me of these two characters that Alina is acquainted with, one as a cute(?) trouble makers, and the other one as Leonardo's ideal painting model.
I guess you all can guess who's the former and who's the latter one :P