Episode 18: Objective - Come in 3rd place or higher at the Arima KinenCondition?However, if you don't show any results...If you still want to keep running, you should stay put for a while.This time they will forgive your misbehavior.A one month suspensionOrders from the organization.If you show your powers among those that are the strongest at the Arima Kinen...They saw your assault at the Japan Cup as problematic.Normally that would be the case...
However they are willing to let you compete in it, provided you accept this one condition.To give a favorable performance at the Arima Kinen.
At least...3rd place.They will not allow you to run after this year.The higher-ups have found your attitude to be problematic as well.All I need to do is be in Third, right?1 month... Guess we're not in for Arima.