Artist's commentary
Adam White (Guy)
As a young lad living in Brooklyn, a big city in New York, with his brother, Conner White, and his unborn little sister, and his parents, Stacy White, his mother, and, his father Matt White (Fun Fact: His father was Brooklynn and His Mother was Irish). A happy family they were till Matt became abusive, throwing thing, slapping Stacy, beating Conner and Adam with anything he could find, even chocking them, and their mother. One day Conner got tired of this and grabbed a bat, and hit Matt upside the head with it, knocking him out for a while. But when Matt woke up all hell broke loose, Adam and Conner stood IN front of their mother, protecting her but sadly it was no use, Matt punched them both knocking them out leaving their mother helpless, but she did everything in her power to keep Matt away from herself and her boys, from any further harm. This went on for a few weeks until Stacy was tired of it she wanted a divorce, but as she knew Matt wasn't going to be to happy about this, so she got the police, to have him sign the paper for she wasn't living with him anymore, he had been kicked out. Adam and Conner were happy that their mother was getting a divorce but were upset that their parents were no longer going to be together. After the divorce Stacy took her boys and moved back to Ireland, far away from Matt, although Ten years later. Adam was 15 at this time as Conner was 16, and their little sister she was 5. Matt requested visitation for his boys, Stacy was not happy about this and had to fly back to New York just for a court hearing, and sadly the judge was on Matts side even though Stacy tried everything she could. Conner and Adam had to go see their father and there was nothing Stacy could do about it. So that week Stacy sent her boys to New York to see their father who was waiting outside the airport for them. Adam and Conner promised each other what ever happens they will stick together as brothers. (MORE IS COMING SOON) (THIS IS NOT MY ART)