GordonElena and KainGottosReila-ilaReila LeilaRichard Highwind Ricard HighwindRobots and the Warp CubeGuyChaosGarlandTiamatPrincess SarahThe LichMatoyaThe bats in the Chaos ShrineDr. Unne and the Rosetta StoneNerrickPrince ScottMarilithBikkeLufenianThe KrakenThe GiantAstosBahamutPaulFairy and OxyaleThe Emperor of ArubbothCid and the DreadnoughtTropical IslanderLink?Princess HildaLamia QueenNellyBehemothThe Emperor of PalameciaBeavers, Adamantoise, and the Goddess's Bell.ReilaCount Borgen BorghenThe Emperor of PandaemoniumSergeant / GeneralRed MageWarrior of Light (DFF)ThiefMonkWhite MageMariaMermaidJosefFrioniel FirionLeonhart LeonMing-Wu MinwuWild Rose Rebels