Iinchou is starting up a school club, so I'm helping out by making recruitment fliers.I'm only in it as a temporary member, though, so I thought I should help her out a little more at least.Not A Good SignThe True CulpritBut then, how did this happen to... ahh!Whatcha doin', Riko~?I've got the key for a free club room, so let's go check it out, shall we?'kay-o~...is this the place?Hurry up, I wanna see inside!*float*float**clack*Of course I made the fliers, I'm the only one who worked on them!Iinchou! What's the meaning of this?!What do you mean? Didn't you draw up those fliers yourself, Sawatari...?...our first order of club business will be to make over our club room.Reeeaaallyyyyy... fliers, eh... hmmmm...