Artist's commentary
Pompei phantoms
My entry for MizterSiah contest
They're obviously for the volcanic environment.
For them I took the inspiration from Pompeii's tragedy in 79 a.D. The first stage (Volcinis: Volcano+cinis [ash in latin] is the incarnation of a Pompei dweller's soul in the same magma that caused its death; it's always complaining and it can't stop to cry (lava tears) thinking at its tragic end. The design is quite easy and I payed much more attention on the evolution (Mourmpeii: Mourn+Pompeii)'s one, in which the soul incarnate a (mini) volcano and can explicit itself by the smoke shape.
Tears Pokemon
Type: Fire/Rock
Height: 30cm
Weight: 67kg
Ability: Flame Body/ Cursed Body/ H: Unaware
Evolves in Mourmpeii at level 39 if in volcano nearness
Mournfulness Pokemon
Type: Fire/Ghost
Height: 60cm (approximately 1.70 with smoke)
Weight: 237kg
Ability: Flame Body/ Cursed Body/ H: Unaware
Evolves from Mourmpeii at level 39 if in volcano nearness