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Artist's commentary
没投保的45/ Uninsured 45
There might be some degree of Ryona content present.
约稿,原作者 SAWKM user/25602174 »,四格漫画作者康师傅红烧甜不辣:
Commissioned Work by SAWKM user/25602174 »,the other comic is drawn by..... how the fuck do I translate his name...... "Chef Kang's Honey& soy-braised templar":
So early last wipe I bartered for an ump from Peacekeeper, and kinda chucked her in the stash for a good while after taking her out for a few raids, due to having no proper ammo, mainly. That went on until I got Peacekeeper to lvl 3, which allows me to buy .45AP- an actually almost semi- decent round. So I started using the ump again for quite a long time, and by quite a long time I meant getting her to 69 durability twice- you know, it's last wipe so ump kinda always comes back from insurance which is why I can do that. At that point I might call that gun my Rai-fu.
Anyway, then on a factory raid I got ratted by a KS-23 boi, I thought I insured the gun, but I didn't, so I lost the ump that stayed with me from the start of the wipe and helped me to kill a few chads. This was commissioned as a tribute to that very ump.
So I guess the moral of the story is to make sure to insure your gun, PMCs.
无码版在这里/Uncensored version here:
没有PS的话,可以用GIMP打开.psd/You can use GIMP to open .psd files if you don't have PS