Artist's commentary
满改45姐/Meta UMP 45
约稿,原作者 SAWKM/users/25602174
Commissioned Work by SAWKM/users/25602174
ENG version:
After getting 7mm'ed in the head because UMP45's puny mag apparently isn't enough for killing 3 scavs, your PMC had enough of it. He demands changes—— he demands a meta UMP (because he can't afford any top tier round apart from .45AP, nor can he afford the 30rd mag for vector.)
So he brought his gun (returned via insurance from the green man) to that suspicious blue man who only wants greens, and struck a deal with him.
"you bring me some Vodka from that weird batch and some cocktail injector, and I'll do the deed for you" said the blue man.
"you've got it." said PMC.
So the blue man brought ump into a dark weird warehouse, and before she could ask anything, he turned on the light switch.
In front of her, there are 3 sweaty, muscular men. Looking so chad that the ground trembles when they pose, and she can see their 15 slots of pocket size. On one of them, tattooed on his biceps "SilencerCo", "MAGPUL" on the other one, and "Promag" on the last one.
She took a step back, but fell right into the fourth man- on his biceps tattooed "TriggerSafe", who tied her up consecutively, followed by a gag from SilencerCo and a few sleeping pills. Her mind fell into the void......
I can't be fucked to write more. Anyway, Ump now has a recoil of 42 with a drum. But at what cost?