Sei-chan can't recommend that course of action...Everyone! Listen to this! I'm... turning a new leaf! Falco will take the initiative!So, for this year's Valentine's...I'm going to give... hand-made chocolates!Hand... hand made?!
T-that's going a little too far don't you think?
You can't take it back you know?T-that's right! Ain't that just telling the whole world about your "love-filled feelings"?!S-such a vulgar act...!
The umapyoi police won't turn a blind eye to this!Of-of course it's just obligatory chocolate! I'm not such a vulgar and indecent lady!Hmm... if it's obligatory chocolate then the police won't mobilize!W-well, if it's obligatory chocolate that's safe, I guess?Hand-made yet obligatory chocolate! What a little devil!