What I like is honey, yeah!Isn't that some very forced reasoning?Do you and Trainer not get along, President?Then Trainer and me would have to be perfectly compatible too!So if President is perfectly compatible with Trainer...Hmm... Trainer-kun and I are rather compatible...Pretty rare to see Rudolf on the defensive...A vegetable juice, famed for being bitter.Every umamusume has a horseshoe that fits them to a T.President and me are, like, perfectly compatible, right?And naturally, the same is true with their relationship with their trainer.Your premise there isn't without merit, but...This is what I'm talking about.Ehhh... But why?You're getting attached at light speed, even.Listen to me, Teio.Honey?Wait, no!What stuff do you like, Trainer?How fresh!The perfect partner for another umamusume might not necessarily be the same for you...