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당신의 1년은, Your one year
분명 20mb까지 된다고 봤는데 10이어서 또 사이즈 줄여서 너무 아쉽네요. ㅠㅠ 1주년이니까 둘에게 가장 영향 받은 신들을 그리고 싶었습니다 (o^^)o 3주 동안 여러번 갈아 엎어가며 그렸습니다. 앞으로도 여행자의 곁에서 많은 이들이 즐거운 모험하길!
I thought it would be up to 20mb, but it's 10, so it's too bad that I reduced the size again. ㅠㅠ Since it's our 1st anniversary, I wanted to draw the gods that were most influenced by them (o^^)o I painted over and over several times over the course of 3 weeks. I wish many more enjoyable adventures with travelers in the future!