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Artist's commentary
카리나의 비밀상점 Part.2 Omake
(Chinese people, please read the comments below.)
카리나의 비밀상점 Part.2 오마케의 일부입니다
아무래도 처음 동인지를 만든 것이라서
어려웠던 점도, 미숙한 점도 많았던 것 같습니다.
앞으로도 꼴리는 거 많이많이 가지고 올게요.
항상 봐주셔서 감사합니다.
조금 더 거칠고 자세한 후기 :
And many chinese wants me to make some avilable pay in china. Such as Alipay and Wechat.
In conclusion, it is very difficult.
Both Alipay and wechat are unstable systems for foreigners to use.
They require bank accounts in China. And there are too few users here in Korea, so there is no one to ask.
Despite the very expensive fees, I tried to use DLsite, but it also requires residence in Japan.
So I couldn't find a suitable way ...If you have a better idea, please comment.
What about fanbox?Someone said that you chinese people can use Unionpay credit card. The contents are same as Patreon.
And please don't use chinese if you want to communicate with me.
The google translator does not working properly so I can't understand it.
thank you
Uncensored + High res Kalina's secret store Part.2 :
Booth :
Gumroad :