Man...this again.Come on, I'm just asking "what if".Kujikawa! Just apologize to her already!Wha- back talking? What are you talking about? It just occurred to Rise that's all...You're just talking nonsense.Are you talking back to me, little girl?Huh? But don't you think those two match each other perfectly? It's not impossible to imagine I think... Besides Yukiko sempai...Worst case, all of us might be collateral damage...Then Senpai, what would you do if Chie-senpai confessed to you? way that would happen...※ Yukiko x Chie hypothesis, pleaseHa ha ha...So Hanamura-sempai, how do you feel about Chie-sempai?Rise-chan?Huh? What do I... she's just a female friend I get along with, you know?Chie has a lot of guy friends... At least, she doesn't have any special feelings for Hanamura-kun.Eek, she's scary