Because I amIndeed, I was like that to begin with.... Uh, um.Yeah?..... Sorry.... I know that...... Yeah....After all, we've known each other for so long...Did you calm down?... Ah...,.. Yes, wait.Let me have a long talk with you for just a moment.It's not very big.By no means are there many beings living here.but everyone living here has her own ‘duty’,even the cycle of rebirth.Yuuka,...How do I say this...? Well...,This is Gensoukyou.Yeah.Thanks.I'm no good.To make someone smile,when being frightening is in my nature.A talk about "roles".
Or positions, or wars, or battles, or gears in a transmission, they mesh with each other as they turn.Some of them aren’t even alive,Even the world,... Yes...As I thought, I'm horrible at this.a youkai.