Artist's commentary
All of my characters have room temperature IQ. It’s the only way I can compete.
Speaking of intelligence, one common way for author to show off their characters’ smarts is having them predict each other’s actions, which doesn’t require the author to be as smart as their characters.
If you’re talking about the Kyoto Contest, unfortunately I won’t be doing it cause I don’t know anything about Kyoto.
When I was drawing this, I realized this is the first time in my life that I’ve drawn a Naruto character.
Hard to say, when I was starting out, I was just doodling randomly. Only materials I used back then was random tutorials on the internet.
If I had to start again I’ll probably get my hand used to drawing first. Just doing basic mark making exercises and drawing whatever I want. When I get more comfortable drawing I’ll probably do perspective and anatomy.
Maybe one to two pages depending on complexity and how much background I need to draw.
I may get this done in four hours.
But this took much longer.
Not really, it’s really hard to draw a still image that is scary.
This is a tough question. I don’t know myself since I am not satisfied with my sound effects (see the pages above). The problem is when I read manga, I just gloss over the sfx because I don’t understand them. But even though I don’t understand them, they still works to set up atmosphere/timing. Not to mention Japanese characters lend themselves to dynamicity due to their sweeping strokes, it’s a bit harder to be dynamic with the latin alphabet. I need more practice.
When I need references I just use Google Images. I use references when I don’t know enough about the subject matter.
I didn’t need reference for this background since it is just shelves and boxes.
I needed references for this background to get the feelings of skyscrapers.