That amphibious MS which appeared in "MSV-R"!
Oh for the love of... me!I have some choice words to say to you later, so you'd better prepare yourself.
Anyway, this Jurick is a Zakuface with a rather unique massive profile that looks like a gorilla.And then we have the Acguy, which is said to share many of the same parts as the Zaku...The problem is the face—
It's strangely huge when compared to a regular Zaku.
What was the point in the Jurick being made to resemble a Zaku, and at such a large size at that?
Then perhaps the Jurick's face is also another repurposed component...
from a Giant Zaku!
Gundam-specific onomatopoeia, specifically for the SFX of a Zeonic monoeye turning on.