Artist's commentary
Source: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/90148664
Original Request:
Hello!!! It is nice to meet you, I know you're probably busy so I can wait for a response. My request is for Kazuma from Konosuba who is sitting on a chair or banl in the garden of the mansion, in front of his two daughters one similar to Megumin and the other one similar to Dakunesu (the daughters are of the same age), both daughters are smiling of happiness.
Meanwhile behind the daughters, Megumin and Darkness are looking at Kazuma with a smiling but lustful face as if implying that they each one want a new baby, that's the reason why Kazuma's expression is either a scared face or a troubled face.
Client Response:
This is good. Really good. Fantastical. I'll support agian in the near future, with probably somwthing similar.
Source: https://skeb.jp/@bhive003/works/7